This tutorial will show you how to hide .rar files within .jpg files - so that anyone who opens the picture would never know there was another file hidden within it.
- Select the RAR file that you want to hide. For this example the file I want to hide is called files.rar and the picture I’m going to hide it in is called warren.jpg. Copy both the files into the same folder.
- Then open the command prompt by selecting Start -> Run -> in the space provided enter cmd and click OK.
- Navigate to the the folder that you stored the files in. I kept them in the Downloads folder found within my My Documents folder, so I issued the commands cd “My Documents” and then cd Downloads. Now type the following command: copy /b warren.jpg + files.rar warren2.jpg Remember - replace warren.jpg, files.rar and warren2.jpg with the names of your files.
- This will embed the archive thus hiding it. You can open warren2.jpg with a picture viewer and there will be no indication that there’s a .rar file hidden within it.
- To open the hidden archive (.rar file), simply open warren2.jpg (your picture) with WinRAR, or the RAR decompression utility of your choice.
- NOTE: you may need to select All Files when opening your picture file with WinRAR, otherwise it won’t be listed in the directory view.
- Now you can extract the “hidden” files from your “hidden” RAR file.
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