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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Love u dearrr...

When I was young,
I dreamed of finding someone really special
who would come in to my life and
love me wholly and uniquely...
Some one who would understand my desires,
encourage my effort,
and shares my dreams....
when i grew older,
I found that person;
"I Love You"
for loving me just the way
I dreamed it would be

U are a great friend..........

You're such a great friend,
You mean so much to me,
You're always full of warmth and love
You fill my heart with so much glee!

You're such a great person,
You always make me feel okay,
Even times when I'm having
A really lousy day...

I just don't know what I'd do
If my life didn't include you!

Thanks for being there for me!

15 Brain Boosting Activities

If you dont keep your mind active, studies show that your brain loses some of its functionality as you age, which causes memory loss, brain fog, and even Alzheimers.

A well-stimulated brain also elevates your mood, which helps you feel better on the inside.

Here are 15 brain boosting activities:

1. Play games that challenge and stimulate your mind. These include:

* Picture Puzzles
* Strategy Games
* Crossword Puzzles
* Card Games
* Deduction Games (such as Clue)
* Visualization Puzzles
* Optical Illusions

2. Reading stimulates the brain as it activates your imagination. Reading also helps with memory retention and problem solving, especially if youre reading a mystery. Also, self-help books stimulate your brain by helping you to think for yourself, as well as find solutions in your mind..

3. Exercising helps circulate blood that carries oxygen to your brain. Over the long-term, exercise is proven to increase brainpower and even create new neurons.

4. Stimulate your brain with meditation.. Meditation has been shown to increase your IQ, relieve stress, and promote a higher level of brain functioning. Meditation also stimulates the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the area of the brain responsible for advanced thinking, ability and performance.

5. Deep breathing helps deliver oxygen to your brain. Oxygen helps you be more alert and awake. As little as 10 to 15 minutes of deep breathing daily can increase brain functionality.

6. Taking fish oil supplements is literally like membrane material for the brain.. The two primary components in fish oil, DHA and EPA, strengthen the emotional center of the brain and boost focus.

7. Studies have proven that listening to music strengthens the right hemisphere of the brain and actually changes the structure of it. Also, people who listen to music are shown to be more emotionally intelligent than those who dont.

8. Writing improves memory and thought expression. Writing articles, blogs, or journal entries stimulates thought processes, which also enhances brain function.

9. Sleep clears out brain clutter and reduces brain fog. When you dont get enough sleep at night, your memory and normal brain function suffers.

10. Painting is shown to be an effective brain booster in that it sparks the creativity within you. Even if youve never tried painting before, give it a shot. Youll find that you feel more creative and may actually enjoy it.

11. Starting the day out with a good breakfast has been proven to supply energy to the brain and body for the whole day. When you skip breakfast, youre missing out on a powerful edge, both physically and mentally.

12. Walking allows you to clear your mind and thoughts. Not only is it good exercise for your body, walking gives your brain a chance to wander freely, clearing it of any troublesome thoughts.

13. Drink a serving of pure fruit juice.. Fruit juice contains nutrients that revitalize and refresh the brain. Juices to drink are pomegranate, blueberry, and cranberry as they deliver more focus and energy.

14. Students who drink some caffeine before an exam typically have higher scores than those who dont. This is because caffeine stimulates activity in the brain, which produces better focus and thinking ability. Dont overdo it though!

15. Draw a picture. Like painting, drawing stimulates the creative side of your brain. So get out some colored pencils and start boosting your brainpower.

To get the most out of these brain boosting activities, mix them up and do a variety of them at different times. Just choosing one wont boost your brainpower, however, combining and alternating them will give your brain the added boost you need now and in the long run.

Husband store.

A store that sells new husbands opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance, is a description of how the store operates. You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and and the value of the products increases as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building.

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor, the sigh on the door reads:

Floor 1 -- These men have jobs.
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sigh reads:

Floor--2 These men have jobs and love kids.
"That's nice.' she thinks, 'but I want more'.

So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 -- These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good-looking.

"Wow" she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads;

Floor4 -- These men have jobs, love kids, are dropdead good looking and help with housework.

"Oh! Mercy me! " she exclaims. "I can hardly stand it"

Still she goes to the fifth floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 5 -- These men have jobs, love kids, are dropdead, gorgeous, help with housework and have a strong romantic streak.

She is tempted to stay. but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 6 -- You are visitor 31,345,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the "Husband Store"

Please note:

To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a "New Wives" store just across the street.

The first floor has wives that love sex.

The second floor has wives that love sex and have money and like beer.

The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.

Untold love

i never told you that,
i loved you
or how much i cared...
i never said,
how much you meant to me...
or how much it hurts,
when you're not there...

i've left so much unsaid,
but now that we're so far apart
i've slowly come to realize,
that you've always had my heart...
and maybe evertything
i kept to myself
might have been better left said...

ഇവനല്ലേ പുലി ..

അമേരിക്കന്‍ സൈനിക കേന്ദ്രങ്ങളെയും നാസയേയും വിറപ്പിച്ചു നിര്‍ത്തി ചരിത്രത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ കമ്പൂട്ടര്‍ ഹാക്കിംഗ് നടത്തിയ വിദ്വാനാണ് ഇത്. ഗാരി മക്‍കിനോണ്‍ എന്ന ഈ ബ്രിട്ടീഷ്‌ സായിപ്പിനെ അമേരിക്കക്ക് വിട്ടു കൊടുക്കരുത്‌ എന്ന് ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടു ലണ്ടന്‍ ഹൈക്കോടതിയില്‍ സമര്‍പ്പിച്ച ഹരജി ഇന്നലെ കോടതി തള്ളി. 56K ഡയല്‍ അപ്പ്‌ മോഡം ഉള്ള ഒരു ലൊട്ട് ലൊടുക്ക് കമ്പ്യൂട്ടര്‍ ഉപയോഗിച്ചാണ് 2002 ല്‍ യൂ എസ് ആര്‍മി ഹെഡ്ക്വാട്ടേഴ്സ് പെന്റഗണിലെ 2000 കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറുകളെയും അത് പോരാഞ്ഞു നാസയിലെ മുഴുവന്‍ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറുകളെയും 24 മണിക്കൂര്‍ ഈ പുള്ളി ഷട്ട് ഡൌണ്‍ ആക്കിയത്.

ലോകം മുഴുവന്‍ വിറപ്പിച്ചു നിര്‍ത്തുന്ന ഇവന്മാരുടെ സാങ്കേതിക സംവിധാനങ്ങളൊക്കെ ഇത്രയേ ഉള്ളോ എന്നായിരിക്കും നിങ്ങളുടെ ചോദ്യം. ഞാന്‍ ആലോചിക്കുന്നത്‌ മറ്റൊന്നാണ്. കാളവണ്ടിയുടെ സ്പീഡ് പോലുമില്ലാത്ത ഒരു കമ്പ്യൂട്ടര്‍ ഉപയോഗിച്ചാണ് ഇയാള്‍ 2002 ല്‍ സകല പാസ്‌വേഡ്കളും പൊട്ടിച്ച് യൂ എസ് ആര്‍മിയുടെ സൈനിക രഹസ്യങ്ങളിലേക്ക് ഊളിയിട്ടു ഇറങ്ങിയത്‌. എങ്കില്‍ ബാങ്ക് അക്കൌണ്ടും ക്രെഡിറ്റ്കാര്‍ഡും ടെല്ലറും എന്ന് വേണ്ട സകല ഹൈട്ടെക്കും പോക്കറ്റിലിട്ടു നടക്കുന്ന നമ്മുടെ പാസ്‌വേഡിന്റെയൊക്കെ ഗതിയെന്താവും..? ഈശ്വരോ രക്ഷതി..

തമാശയതല്ല, അമേരിക്കന്‍ സൈനിക കേന്ദ്രങ്ങലുടെയും നാസയുടെയും കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറുകളില്‍ കക്ഷി പരതിയത് സൈനിക രഹസ്യങ്ങളോ കോഡ് ഭാഷയോ ഒന്നുമല്ല. പ്രപഞ്ചത്തില്‍ എവിടെയെല്ലാമോ ഉണ്ടെന്നു പറയുന്ന വിചിത്ര ജീവികളെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള (ET) വല്ല വിവരവും ഇവന്മാര്‍ ഒളിപ്പിച്ചു വെച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടോ എന്നതാണത്രെ.. എപ്പടി കിഡ്നി.?..

അമേരിക്കന്‍ നിയമപ്രകാരം 70 വര്‍ഷം വരെ തടവുലഭിക്കാവുന്ന കുറ്റമാണത്രേ ഇയാള്‍ ചെയ്തിരിക്കുന്നത്. ഇപ്പോള്‍ 43 വയസ്സുള്ള ഇയാളെ അമേരിക്കക്ക് കിട്ടിയാല്‍ 113 വയസ്സ് വരെ ജയിലില്‍ ഇടുമെന്നര്‍ത്ഥം. സംഗതിയുടെ പോക്ക് പന്തിയല്ലെന്ന് കണ്ട കക്ഷിയുടെ അമ്മ സാക്ഷാല്‍ പുളിക്കൊമ്പില്‍ തന്നെ കയറി പിടിച്ചിരിക്കുകയാണ് ഇപ്പോള്‍. ഇന്നലെ വിധി വന്ന ഉടനെ തന്നെ അമേരിക്കന്‍ പ്രസിടന്റിനു കമ്പിയടിച്ചു കാത്തിരിക്കുകയാണ് മദാമ്മ. എട്ടും പൊട്ടും തിരിയാത്ത തന്റെ പോന്നു മോനെ (എട്ടു നിലയില്‍ പൊട്ടുന്ന കരിമരുന്നാണെന്നത് വേറെ കാര്യം) ഇംഗ്ലണ്ടില്‍ നിന്ന് കൊണ്ട് പോകല്ലേ എന്നാണു അമ്മയുടെ ആവശ്യം. ഇനി കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ ഒബാമ തീരുമാനിക്കും.

An Interesting Love Letter

My dear FAIR and LOVELY (ek chand ka tukda), you are my TVS SCOOTY (first love) and my AIWA (pure passion).

I always BPL (believe in the best) and you are SANSUI (better than the best)

>You are DOMINO'S PIZZA (delivering a million smiles) for me.

This is a COLGATE ENERGY GEL ( seriously fresh ) feeling for me.

I want you to be my life partner but I think you are worried about your father who is KAWASAKI BAJAJ CALIBER (the unshakable) and my father who is CEAT (born tough) but don't worry as I am also FORD ICON (The josh machine) and rest of our family members are pretty KELVINATORS (the coolest ones).

If they say no, we will run away and get marry and PHILIPS (let's make things better). They will feel MARINDA (zor ka jhatka dhire se lage) but I believe in COCA COLA (jo chahe ho jaye). Trust in God who's always ! NOKIA (connecting people) who love each other. And we are WILLS ( made! For each other).

Now that HYUNDAI (we are listening) the song of love, you must know that love is DAIRY MILK (real taste of life),

SATYAM ONLINE (fun fast easy) and PARX (always comfortable).

Don't worry; it is new COCA COLA (life ho to aisye!).

Ok bye! I wrote little but PEPSI ( yeh dil mange more ).

LG (digitally yours).

I Wish for you..

For you, I wish good health
for you, I wish happiness and peace of mind
for you, I wish success in your personal life and in your career
for you, I wish the vanishing of hard feelings
among family and friends
For you, I wish laughter and joy
for you, I wish a strong faith to carry you through
the times that are hard
for you, I wish food upon your table
and clothes upon your back
For you, I wish a walk in the forest
for you; I wish friendship, honesty, and fidelity
with your mate
For you, I wish the hug of a child
for you, I wish the morning dew and sunlight
for you, I wish a bubble bath by candlelight
For you, I wish a good cry
for you; I wish the songs of a bird and
a babbling creek
For you, I wish lessons learned so you
will not make the same mistakes over and over
For you, I wish quiet times shared
with the one you love
for you, I wish the innocence of youth
and the wisdom of maturity
for you, I wish the experience of grass
beneath your feet
for you, I wish the receipt of joy in simple matters
For you, I wish the fragrance of a rose
for you, I wish a heart that is at home
for you, I wish dancing by moonlight
for you, I wish the pleasure of fishing
For you, I wish a Mother’s love
For you, I wish a good night’s sleep
for you, I wish the laughter of a child
for you, I wish memories of days gone by
for you, I wish a heart nestled in
acceptance with yourself
For you, I wish dancing eyes and a ready smile
For you, I wish compassion and understanding
for you, I wish the appreciation of
a hard day’s work
For you, I wish safety at all times
for you, I wish insight
for you, I wish a spring rain
For you, I wish simplicity
For you, I wish a day of rest but most of all
I wish you love

Greatness is not found
in possessions, power,
position or prestige.
It is discovered in
goodness, humility
service and character.

Have an Awesome Day