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Friday, July 31, 2009

Have We Ended Our Love?

The distance in your eyes this day

speaks more to me than your lips could.

That face, unmasked, is so familiar,

Tears fall before a word is spoken.

Hush, now. Do not force me to hear

your vain attempts to justify

the wound you've dealt me, here tonight

and the promises you've broken.

Go light hearted, if you must go.

Now you are free of every bond.

I'll never weigh your spirit down

with burdens of a heavy heart.

I'll smile as you go on your way

and you'll not see a single tear.

But promise you will never say

you didn't love me, when we part.


Glory be to God for creating Life,

He also created woman, who is

Mother, daughter, sister and wife

Blessed are the woman as he blessed them right,

Giving them the honour of giving birth and life

For this she undergoes pain filled with pleasure,

Memories of which she will always treasure.

When a girl is born, some curse the woman,

Such people can never attain the kingdom of heaven.

It is because of woman we are there,

Without them we would be nowhere.

Woman are after all God's greatest creation,

To whom we have to be greatful in every generation.

There is a woman behind every sucessful man,

Who gives him her support and

Strenght to make him stand.

Always remember that it is a

Woman who has given you life,

Respect her whether she is your

Mother, sister, daughter or wife.

ആയുസ്സ് വര്‍ധിപ്പിക്കാന്‍ 7 വഴികള്‍

നിങ്ങള്‍ വിവാഹിതരാണോ? ജീവിത പങ്കാളിയുമായി നിരന്തരം വഴക്കിടാറുണ്ടോ? ഇല്ല എന്നാണ് ഉത്തരമെങ്കില്‍ ദയവായി ഇന്ന് മുതല്‍ അതൊരു ശീലമാക്കു. ഇതു പറയുന്നത് മിഷിഗണ്‍ യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റിയിലെ ഒരു കൂട്ടം ഗവേഷകരാണ്. പതിവായി പരസ്പരം വഴക്കുണ്ടാക്കുന്ന ദമ്പതികളുടെ ആയൂര്‍ദൈര്‍ഘ്യം മറ്റുള്ളവരേക്കാള്‍ ഏറുമെന്ന് ഇവര്‍ പറയുന്നു. എല്ലാ ദിവസവും വഴക്കടിച്ചു ദാന്പത്യജീവിതം 67 വര്‍ഷം വരെ ആസ്വദിച്ചവര്‍ ഇക്കൂട്ടത്തിലുണ്ടെന്ന് ഗവേഷകര്‍ ചൂണ്ടിക്കാണിയ്ക്കുന്നു.

2) നിങ്ങള്‍ ഫുട്ബോള്‍ പതിവായി കാണാറുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ മറ്റുള്ളവരെ അപേക്ഷിച്ച് ഹൃദയാഘാതം വരാനുള്ള സാധ്യത 25% കൂടുതല്‍ ആണ്. ഫുട്ബോളില്‍ അമിത താല്പര്യം ഉള്ളവര്‍ കളിയേക്കാളേറെ അതില്‍ പങ്കെടുക്കുന്ന താരങ്ങളെയാണത്രെ കൂടുതല്‍ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക, ഇതു മാനസിക സമ്മര്‍ദം കൂട്ടുന്നതിനു കാരണമാവും. മേലില്‍ കളി കാണുന്പോള്‍ ഇക്കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ ശ്രദ്ധിയ്ക്കുക.

3) ദിവസത്തില്‍ അര മണിക്കൂര്‍ വ്യായാമത്തിനായി മാറ്റി വെക്കുക. 15 മിനിട്ട് എങ്കിലും നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കായും. എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞാല്‍ 15 മിനിട്ട് മാനസിക ഉല്ലാസത്തിനായി കൂടി മാറ്റിവെയ്ക്കുക.

4) മദ്യപിക്കുന്പോള്‍ ഒരു കാരണവശാലും മാട്ടിറച്ചി ഉപയോഗിക്കരുത്. കാരണം ആല്‍ക്കഹോള്‍ കലര്‍ന്നിട്ടുള്ള പാനിയത്തോടൊപ്പം കഴിക്കുന്ന ബീഫ്‌ മുതലായ പദാര്‍ത്ഥങ്ങള്‍ ഹൃദയഘാതത്തിന്റെയും പ്രമേഹത്തിന്റെയും ഉറ്റ മിത്രങ്ങളാണ്.

5) മണ്ണില്‍ കളിക്കാനിഷ്ടാപെടുന്ന നിങ്ങളുടെ കുട്ടിയെ തടയേണ്ട. ആരോഗ്യകരമായ സാഹചര്യങ്ങളില്‍ മാത്രം ഒതുങ്ങിക്കൂടുന്ന കുട്ടികള്‍ക്ക് കാന്‍സര്‍ വരാനുള്ള സാധ്യത ഉള്ളതായി പഠനങ്ങളില്‍ കാണുന്നു.

6) ഗര്‍ഭകാലത്ത് വിറ്റാമിന്‍ ഗുളികകള്‍ കഴിക്കുന്നത്‌ വിഷാദരോഗത്തെ ചെറുക്കാന്‍ സഹായിക്കും

7) കലോറി കുറഞ്ഞ ഭക്ഷണം ശീലമാക്കുക. അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ ശരീരത്തിലെ അധിക കലോറി കത്തിച്ചു കളയാനുള്ള വഴികള്‍ ശീലിക്കുക, 2 നിലയുള്ള ഓഫീസിലെ പടികള്‍ ലിഫ്റ്റിന്റെ സഹായമില്ലാതെ കയറുന്നത് പോലും 1 മണിക്കൂര്‍ നടക്കുന്നതിനു തുല്യമാണ്.

Just You

There are that I can't explain
There is a lot of knowlege to gain
I think about you all the time
Oh how you stay in my mind.

I wish that I could tell you how I feel
There are things that to me appeal
When we hang out it's only for a little wile
I like that you like my smile.

There are things that I wish weren't so
There are many things people don't know
We have a lot in common that's nice
Just one thing that attracted me to you was your eyes.

There is something about you that is different
When I'm around you I get all tingly inside
Maybe it's love but, whatever it is
It's just, you.

ആദ്യാനുരാഗംThursday, 30 July, 2009 3:57 PM

ആദ്യാനുരാഗം ഒരിക്കലും മറക്കാനാവാത്തതാണെന്ന്‌ പറയാറുണ്ട്‌. ആദ്യാനുരാഗത്തിന്റെ ഗൃഹാതുരതയെ പാടിപ്പുകഴ്‌ത്താത്ത കവികള്‍ ഒരു ഭാഷയിലുമില്ല.

മനസ്സിന്റെ ഒരു പ്രിതഭാസം എന്നുമാത്രമേ നമ്മള്‍ ഈ ആദ്യാനുരാഗത്തെക്കുറിച്ച്‌ മനസ്സിലാക്കിയിരുന്നു. പലപ്പോഴും ഈ ആദ്യാനുരാഗം എന്നത്‌ വ്യക്തികള്‍ പരസ്‌പരം മനസ്സിലാക്കുകപോലും ചെയ്യാതെ സംഭവിക്കുന്നതുമാണ്‌. എന്നാല്‍ ഇപ്പോഴിതാ ഈ ആദ്യാനുരാഗമെന്ന അനുഭവത്തിന്‌ ഒരു ശാസ്‌ത്രീയാടിത്തറയുണ്ടെന്ന്‌ കണ്ടെത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു.

രണ്ടുവ്യക്തികള്‍ തമ്മില്‍ ആദ്യമായുണ്ടാകുന്ന അടുപ്പത്തിന്‌ കാരണം ഡിഎന്‍എയും ശരീരത്തിലെ ചില ജീനുകള്‍
ഉല്‍പാദിപ്പിക്കുന്ന പ്രത്യേകതരം ഗന്ധവുമാണെന്നാണ്‌ ഗവേഷകരുടെ കണ്ടെത്തല്‍. ക്രയോഷ്യയിലെ ജനിതകശാസ്‌ത്രജ്ഞനായ ടമരാ ബ്രൗണിന്റെ അഭിപ്രായത്തില്‍ ഹ്യൂമന്‍ ലൂക്കോസൈറ്റ്‌ അന്റിജന്‍ എന്ന ഡിഎന്‍എയുടെ പ്രവര്‍ത്തനമാണ്‌ ആദ്യാനുരാഗത്തിന്റെ രഹസ്യം.

ഒരാളുടെ ശരീരഗന്ധത്തില്‍ നിന്നും മറ്റൊരാളിലേയ്‌ക്ക്‌ പ്രവഹിക്കുന്ന രഹസ്യ സിഗ്നലുകളാണത്രേ അനുരാഗത്തെ അങ്കുരിപ്പിക്കുന്നത്‌. ചിലര്‍ കാണാനും ചിലപ്പോഴൊക്കെ അടുക്കാനും കൊള്ളാത്തവരാണെങ്കില്‍പ്പോലും അവരില്‍ നമുക്ക്‌ കണ്ടും അടുത്തും അറിയാനാവാത്ത എന്തോ ഉണ്ട്‌. അതാണ്‌ ഈ ആകര്‍ഷണത്തിന്റെ രസതന്ത്രം എന്നാണ്‌ ഡോക്ടര്‍ ബ്രൗണ്‍ പറയുന്നത്‌.

ബേണ്‍ സര്‍വ്വകലാശാലയില്‍ ടീ ഷേട്ടുകള്‍ ഉപയോഗിച്ച്‌ നടത്തിയ പരീക്ഷണമാണ്‌ ഈ പുതിയ കണ്ടെത്തലിലേയ്‌ക്ക്‌ ഡോക്ടര്‍ ബ്രൗണിനെ നയിച്ചത്‌. പുരുഷന്മാര്‍ രണ്ടു ദിവസം ധരിച്ച ഷര്‍ട്ടുകള്‍ സ്‌ത്രീകളെ മണപ്പിച്ചശേഷം അവയുടെ ആകര്‍ഷണീയതയെക്കുറിച്ച്‌ ചോദിച്ചാണത്രേ അദ്ദേഹം പഠനം നടത്തിയത്‌.

ഇങ്ങനെ നല്‍കിയ ടീ ഷേട്ടുകളുടെ ഗന്ധത്തോട്‌ ചില സ്‌ത്രീകള്‍ക്ക്‌ അടക്കിനിര്‍ത്താന്‍ കഴിയാത്ത പ്രണയം തോന്നിയത്രേ. ചിലതിനോടാകട്ടെ ചില സ്‌ത്രീകള്‍ക്ക്‌ ഒട്ടും അടുപ്പം തോന്നിയതുമില്ല. പക്ഷേ ഈ ഡിഎന്‍എ വഴി നമ്മള്‍ പ്രണയിക്കുന്നത്‌ ഒരിക്കലും മറ്റുകാര്യങ്ങള്‍ കൊണ്ട്‌ നമുക്ക്‌ചേരുന്ന പങ്കാളിയായിരിക്കണമില്ലെന്നും ബ്രൗണ്‍ പറയുന്നുണ്ട്‌.

Five More Minutes

While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. That's my son over there, she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide.

He's a fine looking boy, the man said. That's my son on the swing in the blue sweater. Then, looking at his watch, he called to his son. What do you say we go, Todd

Todd pleaded, Just five more minutes, Dad. Please Just five more minutes. The man nodded and Todd continued to swing to his heart's content.

Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his son. Time to go now Again Todd pleaded, Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.

The man smiled and said, O.K.

My, you certainly are a patient father, the woman responded.

The man smiled and then said, My older son Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I'd give anything for just five more minutes with him. I've vowed not to make the same mistake with Todd. He thinks he has five more minutes to swing.. The truth is, I get Five more minutes to watch him play.

Life is all about making priorities, what are your priorities?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Windows 7 Ultimate cracked via OEM master key

According to a report from My Digital Life, Windows 7 Ultimate has already been cracked with the aid of leaked OEM DVD ISO from Lenovo. The crack provides permanent instant offline activation and passes WGA with flying colors. The leaked ISO was posted and snagged off a Chinese forum, which allowed hackers to retrieve the OEM-SLP and certificate for Windows 7 Ultimate.

Redmond has updated the System-Locked Pre-installation (SLP) to version 2.1, which supports Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008  R2 - and provides backward-compatibility for Vista and Server 2008. The SLP procedure is used to pre-activate Windows for mass distribution by OEMs. Its latest version requires the BIOS SLIC table be updated, as it contains a new Windows marker. The trick is to mod a system's BIOS to include SLIC 2.1 - which can be done via hard (physical) or soft (emulation) mods.

The original post gets more in-depth, and contains much more information. Naturally, the crack can already be found on various torrent sites. I'm not about to preach right from wrong here, as you won't listen anyway. That said, if you're going to download Windows 7 from an unofficial source, at least verify your copy.

Scientist Turn Aluminum Into Strange, Completely New Matter State

Scientists at the FLASH free-electron, high intensity laser facility in Hamburg, Germany, have created a completely new state of matter, transforming aluminum into something "that nobody has seen before," an exotic material which is transparent to ultraviolet radiation.

According to Professor Justin Wark-from the Oxford University's Department of Physics-the discovery is "almost as surprising as finding that you can turn lead into gold with light!" They achieved this alchemical miracle by knocking down a "core electron from every aluminium atom," but without disrupting the metal structure with the laser bombing.

Wark says that this will give them insight into the creation of miniature stars with high-power laser implosions, "which may one day allow the power of nuclear fusion to be harnessed here on Earth." Or destroy us all.

The Man is Playing Guitar with His Mouth

My dear first love,

First love is like playing with fire:
Aglow with pain and glory.
Tell me, my dear first love,
Whether I'm burned into your heart.
The fire in your body,
The glory of your touch:
Ah! my dear first love,
Never, never leave my heart!
Although the fire is distant,
The pain is always near.
My dear first love, please listen:
I hold you in my heart.

Essence of the Philosophy of Gita.

Here below is the brief essence of the Philosophy of BHAGVAD GITA. Teachings of Bhagwat Gita were given by Lord Krishna, the God Himself to his disciple Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra in Haryana State of India. These teachings were given more than 5000 years ago but these are still relevant today in our lives.

Whatever happened in the past, it happened for the good; Whatever is happening, is happening for the good; Whatever shall happen in the future, shall happen for the good only. Do not weep for the past, do not worry for the future, concentrate on your present life.

What did you bring at the time of birth, that you have lost? What did you produce, which is destroyed? You didn't bring anything when you were born. Whatever you have, you have received it from the God only while on this earth. Whatever you will give, you will give it to the God. Everyone came in this world empty handed and shall go the same way. Everything belongs to God only.

Whatever belongs to you today, belonged to someone else earlier and shall belong to some one else in future. Change is the law of the universe.

You are an indestructible Soul & not a body. Body is composed of five elements - Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Sky; one day body shall perish in these elements.

Soul lives forever even after death as soul is never born & never dies. So Why do you worry unnecessarily? What are you afraid of? Who can kill you?

Devote yourself to the Almighty God only. One who takes the support of God, always gains freedom from fear, worry and despair.

Nilayude Kalithullal !!

Nominated as Most Creative Video

Romantic Love Tips

Send a dozen roses: 11 red roses and 1 white one. The note: "In every bunch there's one who stands out - and you are that one."
"The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence" Dr Albert Ellis

Write him/her a check for one million kisses.

Something for the Honeymoon or anniversary. ... a lottery ticket and a note: "I hit the jackpot when I married you."

Book A Massage to give your partner a professional massage..

Hide a love note in a bottle of vitamins. The note will say: "Try some vitamin L."

Scatter rose petals all over the bed.

Buy the music CD "Let's talk about love" by Celine Dion.

Write notes on Post-it notes and stick them around.

Don't buy cheap lingerie unless you plan to rip it off her in passionate lovemaking.

Hide a love note in his pants pocket.

Other places to hide a small note:
* under the pillow
* in his shaving kit
* between the pages he/she is reading.

Guys: know her dress size, shoe and of course her finger size (for rings that fit).

Gals: know his coat size, shoe and hat size, shirt and pants size, finger size (for bowling balls that fit)...

Give the gift of time (wristwatch) with this inscription: "I'll always have time for you."

NEVER, never, never say "I told you so".

Mail a lock of your hair to your lover.

Ask him to pick a number between 1 and 50, then reward him with that number of kisses.

Make a habit of taking a stroll after dinner every evening.

"Women fall in love through their ears, men fall in love through their eyes." Woodrow Wyatt.

When dining, share everything: your meals and desserts.

Make love on top of the washer/dryer (while it's running).

Attach a note on the TV remote: "Turn me on instead!"

Before getting out of bed, face your partner, give him/her a kiss and say: "I'm so thankful I have you in my life."

Sign your letters: "Forever and a day"

Place a heart-shaped sticker on your wristwatch to remind you to call.

On your lover's birthday send his/her mother a "Thank you" card.

Hide a pair of earrings in a box of chocolates.

Celebrate the anniversary of when you first met.

Shower together by candlelight.

Use the little strips of paper from Hershey's kisses as coupons redeemable for one kiss each.

Tell your mate that you - love, adore, admire, cherish, desire, want, need, prize, esteem, idolize, revere, treasure him/her.

Hide a little gift for her so she'll find it during a walk together.

Leave a note: "I know we are soul mates because..... "

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein

Give her your jacket when she is chilly.

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart, so let your imagination go wild...

Guys: Hold her dinner chair.

"One does not fall 'in' or 'out' of love. One grows in love" - Leo Buscaglia

Buy her an outfit while she's trying it on; let her wear it out of the store.

Slip a little love note into his wallet, in between the dollar bills.

Drip chocolate syrup on selected body parts before lovemaking.

Inspiration for long time lovers: "The older the violin, the sweeter the music" - Anonymous

Gently brush her cheeks with your lips.

Give him a lottery ticket. Attach a note: "You are one in a million"

While slow dancing, whisper something sweet to her.

Get the song "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston.

When attending a wedding, whisper: "If I had to do it over, I'd marry you again."

Hide a teeny, tiny gift somewhere on your body and make him find it.

Fill his toolbox with lingerie. Make him "work" to get his tools back.

Fold a love note in a fluffy bath towel.

Run your hands under warm water before going to bed.

Let a Shakespearean quote speak for you.

Gals: Never, never, never talk about your past boyfriends in front of him.

Sprinkle perfume on to light bulb. When light is turned on the scent of the perfume will fill the room.

Listen to a romantic audio tape, fix a cup of hot flavored tea, and light two candles.

Keep a journal of your romantic fantasies. Share it with your soul mate.

Play "hide-and-seek" in the rain. It's fun and VERY sensual!

Fill bathtub with warm water sprinkled with rose petals.

Invite your sweetie to an intimate dinner at your place. Make a pizza and with the pepperoni you can write something sweet, like "you are the one for me".

Surprise your lover with a kiss before they can finish a sentence.

Write your own love poems then record them on a tape and give them to your sweetheart.

Give your love an antique compass and say "You will never lose me". Your love will swear the needle always points to their heart!

While your love takes a shower, write the words "I love you" in the condensation of the bathroom mirror.

Leave a trail of "Hershey's chocolate kisses" from the front door to the bedroom, right up to the bed. On the bed leave a note that reads 'I kiss the ground you walk on.' Make sure you're not home when s/he gets in!

Look straight into the eyes of your love and PAY ATTENTION to what they tell you! Tell your mate something about you that no one else knows.

Look into the eyes of your special someone often. "The eyes are the window to the soul". Weave love, sex, intimacy, passion and romance into the fabric of your daily lives.

Buy a set of matching silk pajamas, and take turns modeling them for each other.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Would you just listen?

Would you just listen and please don't say a word, just yet,
I'd like you to think back to the very first time we met,
How you felt around me? The memories we shared,
And just remember that once upon a time, you really cared.

Now think about how we parted, and how much I cried,
But please don't speak, remember that I never ever lied,
That I told you the honest truth about why we were to split,
But now I'd like you to know that my heart broke bit by bit.

The pain was deep, unbearable and painful, for so many years,
I'll never forget all the sadness, all the uncontrollable tears,
Slowly I am rebuilding my life, I am content with what I've got,
And although it is hard I am beginning to forget what I have not.

You were a special part of my life that I will never forget,
A part of my life that broke my heart, but that I don't regret,
You gave me some happy memories that I'll keep in my heart,
Although sometimes I wish that you and I didn't have to part.

You were my first love and my true love, that will always be so,
After all of the heartache, sadness and never ending pain, I know,
You and I had something special and that will never change,
Because I love you and loving someone else will always seem strange.

Would you just listen and please don't say a word, not ever,
I'd like you to remember that once upon a time, we said forever,
That I had hopes and dreams, that I was the one who threw them away,
And this is something I will always regret until my dying day.

by Tara Kay

Essence of Trust...

Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.

The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."

The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."

"What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father. "There's a big difference," replied the little girl.

"If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go."

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond.

So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold urs...

On Line Frendship...

Pennungl palavidham

Brain Diggers. Try to Answer

SYSTEMS (Give what is asked for)

System in the human body responsible for the production and release of hormones.
The structure of ancient Rome used for its water systems.
International numeric symbols that uses ten characters to represent numbers.
What does GPS stands for?
A numeric system that is based on increments of ten.
Give the meaning of DOS.
Time and angle measurements are based on this numeric system.
This system of the human body includes the skin, hair and nails.
Ancient system of writing that uses stick-like and triangular symbols.
A numeric system whose only characters are one and zero.

COMPUTER AGE (Give what is asked for)

Meaning of RAM.
ROM means…
This unit is composed of eight bits.
A semi-conductor element that is widely used for the production of chips and processors.
It means "to start-up a computer."
Meaning of WWW.
LAN means…
Any device that is used for containing software.
The basic pointing guide on the monitor.
The intangible component of a computer.

BIOLOGY (Identify)

An invertebrate that has four pairs of legs.
Species of snake that is capable of retracting its poisonous fangs.
An animal that has a back bone.
The component of a cell that stores energy.
Composed of groups of organs working together to do specific functions.
This liquid is manufactured by the liver and is then stored in the gall bladder.
Animals that are active during the day but are inactive at night.
Plants and fungi that thrive on dead tissues of plants and animals.
The substance in plants that give them green pigmentation.
The process of natural changing of DNA structures of living things.

SINGULAR AND PLURAL (Supply the correct form)

Singular form of "apparatus."
Plural form of "radius."
Singular form of "data."
Plural form of "octopus."
Plural form of "baggage."
Singular form of "fungi."
Plural form of "millennium."
Plural form of "coccus."
Plural form of "piano."
Singular form of "dice."

EXTREMES (Identify)

Highest falls in the world.
The hardest form of carbon.
Lightest element.
The most populous race in the world.
Highest mountain on earth.
Coldest temperature that matter could attain.
Hardest metallic element.
Oldest man who ever lived whose age reached 969 years.
Smallest particle of an atom.
Fastest speed that an energy could travel.

ACRONYMS (Supply the corresponding words)


Group of wolves.
The group of social insects.
Group of fishes.
Five hundred pieces of paper.
Group of cattle.
A number of bananas.
Group of birds.
Group of flowers.
Group of bees.
A small bundle of hair.


A large level area of high land.
A narrow channel connecting two bodies of water.
A long narrow portion of land extending out into the water.
The triangular silt-formed land at the mouth of a river.
An inland body of standing water of considerable size.
A small island.
A part of an ocean or sea partly or mostly surrounded by land.
A land mass higher than a hill.
A stream smaller than a river but is larger than a brook.
A long depression between ranges of hills or mountains.

COUNTRIES (Identify)

Known as "The Lion of Asia."
Formerly known as Kampuchea.
Known as the "Pearl of the Orient Seas."
Formerly known as Formosa.
Considered to be "The Sleeping Giant."
Formerly known as Mesopotamia.
Known as the "Land of the Rising Sun."
Formerly known as Persia.
Homeland of the famous Taj Mahal.
Formerly known as Burma.

SPORTS (Identify the terminologies)

It means that an egg-shaped ball has traveled exactly 100 yards and is equal to 6 points.
To knock down 10 pins or to miss hitting a pitched ball.
Triumph due to opponent's failure to compete in or to finish an appointed contest.
Means that the center part of a circular target is punctured by means of pins or heads.
It means "zero."
To separate two opponents via referee or to scramble numbered balls on a table.
It means that a player had safely covered four bases within one lawful ball hitting.
To shoot a dimpled ball on a designated hole by a single swing.
The act of attacking a king piece so that escape is impossible.
To pull out a gun or to leave a contest on a deadlock.

Life Satisfaction Quiz By Thelma Mariano

To determine your degree of life satisfaction, answer True or False to the following.

1. I enjoy getting out of bed most mornings, as I look forward to starting the day.
2. I see the problems in my life as challenges which I can learn from.
3. I am usually able to focus on what I am doing and feel energetic.
4. I experience a high level of satisfaction in my work.
5. I have a sense of meaning and purpose in my life.
6. I do not dwell on my past or future but am able to live fully in the present.
7. I experience a sense of belonging with others -- whether it's with my family, in my community, at work or in certain groups.
8. I am rarely bored.
9. I am proud of my accomplishments in life so far.
10. I am able to accept constructive criticism on my performänce.
11. I have sufficient income for my needs.
12. I take proper care of my body with a balance of good eating habits, regular exercise and enough sleep.
13. There is at least one person in my life with whom I can share my fears as well as my joys.
14. I feel loved most of the time.
15. I actively care for others in my life -- whether family, friends, strangers or pets.
16. I feel comfortable in my own skin and for the most part am content to be who I am.
17. Though I always strive to improve, I recognize my own limitations and do not push myself in ways that are detrimental to my well-being.
18. I am able to graciously receive gifts or compliments and feel deserving of a rewarding life.
19. I feel that I am making a difference in other people's lives -- whether at home, at work or in the community.
20. I can find at least five things to be grateful for in my current life.

Give yourself 1 point for each "True" response and add your points.


0-5, Dissatisfied with my present life
6-10, Low satisfaction
11-15, Satisfied
16-20, Very satisfied

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My heart is hers

To live life
is to love her

to lose life
is to lose her

as i think of her
my heart grows

will she love me back
who knows

my heart is hers
she owns it always

i hold her close
my arms around her

as i cry
she crys too

on a porch
in the pale moonlight

i will never
forget that night

she is the one
i love

she is the one
i need

if she loves me back
my heart will never bleed

40 Things You May Not Know

1. Money isn't made out of paper; it's made out of cotton.

2. The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottle represents the varieties of pickle the company once had.

3. Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks - otherwise it will digest itself .

4. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.

5. The dot over the letter 'i' is called a "tittle".

6. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

7. Susan Lucci is the daughter of Phyllis Diller.

8. A duck's quack doesn't echo ... no one knows why.

9. 40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.

10 Every person has a unique tongue print (no licking at the scene of a crime!).

11. 315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled.

12. The 'spot' on 7UP comes from its inventor who had red eyes. He was albino.

13. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily.

14. During the chariot scene in 'Ben Hur' a small red car can be seen in the distance.

15. Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister.

16. Chocolate affects a dog's heart and nervous system; a few ounces will kill a small sized dog.

17. Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into the shark's stomach from underneath, causing the shark to explode.

18. Most lipstick contains fish scales (eeww)..

19. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants!

20. Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine.

21. Upper and lower case letters are named 'upper' and 'lower' because in the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the 'upper case' letters were stored in the case on top of the case that stored the smaller, 'lower case' letters.

22. Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.

23. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.

24. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos.

25. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan, there was never a recorded Wendy before!

26. There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: orange, purple, and silver!

27. Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors. Also, it took him 10 years to paint Mona Lisa's lips.

28. A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it instantly go mad and sting itself to death.

29. The mask used by Michael Myers in the original "Halloween" was a Captain Kirk mask painted white.

30. If you have three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies, you have $1.19.. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.

31. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can't sink in quicksand.

32. The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law, which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

33. American Airlines saved $40,000 in '87 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first class.

34. The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for automobiles. At that time, the most known player on the market was the Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola.

35. Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. It's the same with apples!

36. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying!

37. The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.

38. Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.

39. Back in the mid to late 80's, an IBM compatible computer wasn't considered a hundred percent compatible unless it could run Microsoft's Flight Simulator game.

40. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a space suit damages them.

How to Disable Error Message Beep Sound in Windows XP

It’s very annoying when you’re listening to the music or left the speaker at a high volume and suddenly, you hear the beep. That’s telling you there is an error or a warning message appears. Here’s how to turn it off:

1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type REGEDIT -> click OK

4. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound
5. On the right side of window, double click on Beep
6. Change Value data to no
7. Click OK
8. Exit Registry Editor
9. Reboot your system

You are my Sunshine!

Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling. They found out that the new baby was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sang to his sister in Mommy's tummy. He was building a bond of love with his little sister before he even
met her.

The pregnancy progressed normally for Karen. In time, the labor pains came. Soon it was every five minutes, every three ...every minute. But serious complications arose during delivery and Karen found herself in hours of labor. Would a C-section be required? Finally, after a long struggle, Michael's little sister was born. But she was in very serious condition. With a siren howling in the night, the ambulance rushed the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee.

The days inched by. The little girl got worse. The pediatrician had to tell the parents, "There is very little hope. Be prepared for the worst." Karen and her husband contacted a local cemetery about a burial plot. They had fixed up a special room in their house for their new baby but now they found themselves having to plan for a funeral.

Michael, however, kept begging his parents to let him see his sister. "I want to sing to her," he kept saying. Week two in intensive care looked as if a funeral would come before the week was over. Michael kept nagging about singing to his sister, but kids are never allowed in Intensive Care. Karen made up her mind, though. She would take Michael whether they liked it or not! If he didn't see his sister right then, he may never see her alive. She dressed him in an over sized scrub suit and marched him into ICU. He looked like a walking laundry basket.

But the head nurse recognized him as a child and bellowed, "Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed." The mother rose up strong in Karen, and the usually mild-mannered lady glared steel-eyed right into the head nurse's face, her lips a firm line. "He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!" Karen towed Michael to his sister's bedside. He gazed at the tiny infant losing the battle to live.

After a moment, he began to sing. In the pure-hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sang:
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
you make me happy when skies are gray---"

Instantly the baby girl seemed to respond. The pulse rate began to calm down and become steady. "Keep on singing, Michael," encouraged Karen with tears in her eyes..

"You never know, dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away-"

As Michael sang to his sister, the baby's ragged, strained breathing became as smooth as a kitten's purr. "Keep on singing, sweetheart!!!"

"The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping,
I dreamed I held you in my arms..."

Michael's little sister began to relax as rest, healing rest, seemed to sweep over her. "Keep on singing, Michael." Tears had now conquered the face of the bossy head nurse. Karen glowed.

"You are my sunshine, my only Sunshine.
Please don't, take my sunshine away..."

The next, day...the very next day...the little girl was well enough to go home!

Woman's Day Magazine called it "The Miracle of a Brother's Song." The medical staff just called it a miracle. Karen called it a miracle of God's love!


Life is good. Have a Wonderful Day!

Taste of Keral....



1. Raw rice - ½ cup
2. Boiled rice - ½ cup
3. Toor dal - ½ cup
4. Urad dal - ½ cup
5. Channa dal - ½ cup
6. Red chillies - 7
7. Salt - to taste
8. Oil - for sprinkle
9. Asafoetida - a pinch
10. Curry leaves - 10 chopped
11. Coriander leaves - few chopped
12. Onion - 1 finely chopped


Soak rice and dals together for 2 hours.

Then wash at least three times.

Now grind it in a wet grinder or mixer grinder with little amount of water.

While grinding add red chillies.

Grind till the batter turns into coarse.

Once the batter is ready tranfer to vessel.

Now add chopped onions and curry leaves.

Now the adai batter is ready.

Heat the pan (tawa) for two minutes.

Wipe the pan with few drops of cooking oil and spread a ladle full of batter into dosa.

Cook till the adai turns into light brownish color eitherside.

Serve hot with aviyal or coconut chutney.

Whole wheat Salad wrap


4 leftover whole wheat chapatis, approx. 200 mm. (8") in diameter 1 recipe garlic tomato chutney

For the salad

½ cup tomatoes, thinly sliced
½ cup spring onions, sliced ½ cup carrot, cut into thin strips ½ cup bean sprouts 1 cup lettuce, shredded 2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander 2 tablespoons finely chopped mint ½ teaspoon roasted cumin (jeera) powder juice of ½ lemon 1 teaspoon olive oil or oil salt to taste
For the salad

1. Combine all the vegetables and bean sprouts in a bowl and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

2. Just before serving, add the cumin powder, lemon juice, olive oil and salt and mix well.

How to proceed

1. Place one chapati on a clean dry surface.

2. Spread an even layer of the chutney on the chapati.

3. Top with a generous portion of salad in the centre of the chapati and roll up tightly.

4. Repeat to make the remaining 3 wraps.

5. Serve immediately.

Sabudana Khichdi


1 cup sabudana(sago)
1/2 tsp Sugar
2 Green Chillieschopped finely
1/2 cup crushed groundnuts(coarse)
1 boiled & peeled potato
2 tsp Oil
1/4 tsp Mustard Seeds
1 Pinch Hing (asafoetida)
2 tbsp grated fresh Coconut
Salt to taste
Few Coriander leaves
Few Curry Leaves
How to make sabudana khichidi :

• Wash and soak sabudana in water just enough to loosen and light for minimum 2 hrs.
• Chop the potatoes into small cubes. Mix crushed groundnuts,sugar and salt and keep aside.
• Heat the oil/ghee in a pan and add mustard seeds. When the mustard seed crackle add cumin seeds, green chillies and curry leaves.
• Add potatoes and stir well. Mix sabudana mixture and mix gently.
• Mix the grated coconut and garnish with coriander leaves.
• Sprinkle some lemon juice over it and serve hot

May Be...

Maybe. . we were supposed to meet the
wrong people before meeting the right
one so that, when we finally meet the
right person, we will know how to be
grateful for that gift.

Maybe . . . when the door of happiness
closes, another opens; but, often
times, we look so long at the closed
door that we don't even see the new
one which has been opened for us.

Maybe . . . it is true that we don't
know what we have until we lose it,
but it is also true that we don't know
what we have been missing until it

Maybe . . . the happiest of people
don't necessarily have the best of
everything; they just make the most of
everything that comes along their way.

Maybe . . . the brightest future will
always be based on a forgotten past;
after all, you can't go on
successfully in life until you let go
of your past mistakes, failures and

Maybe . . . you should dream what you
want to dream; go where you want to
go, be what you want to be, because
you have only one life and one chance
to do all the things you dream of, and
want to do.

Maybe . . . there are moments in life
when you miss someone -- a parent, a
spouse, a friend, a child -- so much
that you just want to pick them from
your dreams and hug them for real, so
that once they are around you
appreciate them more.

Maybe . . . the best kind of friend is
the kind you can sit on a porch and
swing with, never say a word, and then
walk away feeling like it was the best
conversation you've ever had.

Maybe . . you should always try to put
yourself in others' shoes. If you feel
that something could hurt you, it
probably will hurt the other person,

Maybe . . you should do something nice
for someone every single day, even if
it is simply to leave them alone.

Maybe . giving someone all your love
is never an assurance that they will
love you back. Don't expect love in
return; just wait for it to grow in
their heart; but, if it doesn't, be
content that it grew in yours.

Maybe . . . happiness waits for all
those who cry, all those who hurt, all
those who have searched, and all those
who have tried, for only they can
appreciate the importance of ll the
people who have touched their lves.

Maybe . . . you shouldn't go for
looks; they can deceive; don't go for
wealth; even that fades away. Go for
someone who makes you smile, because
it takes only a smile to make a dark
day seem bright. Find the one that
makes your heart smile.

Maybe . .. you should hope for enough
happiness to make you sweet, enough
trials to make you strong, enough
sorrow to keep you human, and enough
hope to make you happy

Maybe . . . you should try to live
your life to the fullest because when
you were born, you were crying and
everyone around you was smiling but
when you die, you can be the one who
is smiling and everyone around you

Maybe . . . you could gve this link
to those people who mean something to
you, to those who have touched your
life, to those who can and do make you
smile when you really need it, to
those who make you see the brighter
side of things when you are really
down, and to all those whom you want
to know that you appreciate them and
their friendship.
And if you don't, don't worry; nothing
bad will happen to you. You will just
miss out on the opportunity to perhaps
brighten someone's day.

Only for 18 +

If you are below 18 years, please do not proceed.

If , sure ! you are above 18 years, then proceed

Scroll Down

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cute Love Story

One night a guy dropped his girlfriend at her home.

As they were about to wish each other goodnight at the front door, the guy started feeling a little in the mood. With an air of confidence, he leaned with his hand against the wall and smiling, he said to her
"Honey, would you give me a kiss ?"

Horrified, she replied, "Are you mad? My parents will see us!"

" Oh come on! Who's gonna see us at this hour?"
He asked grinning at her.

" No, please. Can you imagine if we get caught?"

"Oh come on!

There's nobody around, they're all sleeping!".

" No way, it's just too risky!"

"Oh please, please, I love you so much?!?".

" No, no, and no. I love you too, but I just can't!".

"Oh yes you can. Please?"

" No, no. I just can't" " I'm begging you ... "

Out of the blue, the light on the stairs went on, and

The girl's elder sister showed up in her pajamas, hair dishevelled,
And in a sleepy voice she said,

" Dad says to go ahead and give him a kiss, or I can do it. Or if need
Be, mom says she can come down herself and do it, but for God's sake and all of ours....


Misssssssssss Uuuuuuuuuuu.........

Today I m feeling so low as you are not with me,
I miss u every moment wherever I may be.

My mind sets no where and just thinks about you,
I wanna talk a lot with you but our talks are due.

My lips are trembling and calling your name,
I cannot see you in front of me and I m going through this pain.

My tears are in trauma should they flow out or lay inside,
they want to roll down my cheeks but could not decide.

My one hand holds the other as it cannot hold yours,
It wanders for only your warm touch , I m sure.

My heart beats gets faster wishing you might be here,
giving me the feel of joy, love and care.

How much I love you is all i know,
i just feel it and I dont want to show.

I miss you with every beat of my heart, no doubt
you are the only one of whom i can think about.....

11 Famous People Who Were in the Completely Wrong Career at Age 30

When you're young, turning 30 is a milestone you talk about. "When I'm 30 I'll be a millionaire." "When I'm 30 I'll be married with two kids." "When I'm 30 I'll have my life all figured out, right now I'm just young and having fun."

Well, let me tell you, 30 really sneaks up. I turn 30 one week from today and I truly, truly cannot believe it. I don't see a 30-year-old when I look in the mirror, I don't feel like a 30-year-old when I get out of bed (other than my new trick knee). I wear t-shirts to work, can (albeit regrettably) sing along to three Lady GaGa songs... and last year my hair got so long that I was eventually charged a woman's price to have it cut.

But on August 3rd, if you cut one of my legs open (which would be an awfully shitty birthday present, by the way), there'll be 30 rings around it. I'm 30 and, in a lot of ways, I feel like I haven't scratched the surface of what I want to do with my life. In fact, I've barely even put my fingernail on that surface.

So, to make myself feel better, I put together this list of people who were still clearly on their way up at age 30. Some had found their path but hadn't attained any success... some were in a completely different career... some were on the verge of giving up or had given up. But they all peaked after turning 30, found their true calling and hit their prime.

  1. This photo is from four years after Stallone broke through.
    Sylvester Stallone, deli counter attendant. After getting no career traction as an actor in his 20s, Stallone attacked his 30s like any 5'3 man should: He wrote a movie where he was an all-American hero with unbelievable success in sports.

    That movie was "Rocky"... he banged out the "Rocky" screenplay in three days, in between working at a deli counter and as a movie theater usher... and it launched his career with an Academy Award for Best Picture.

  2. Andrea Bocelli, lawyer. He'd loved music and singing his whole life... but didn't really see (no pun intended) it as a career possibility. So, after school, he got a law degree at the University of Pisa. At age 30 he was working as a lawyer and moonlighting in a piano bar for fun and extra cash. He didn't catch a break as a singer until 1992, at age 34.

  3. Martha Stewart, stockbroker. When she was 30, Martha Stewart was a stockbroker, no doubt learning all about finance and the ethics involved therein. Two years later she and her husband purchased a beat-down farmhouse in Connecticut... she led the restoration... transitioned into a domestic lifestyle... and parlayed that into her evil, evil career.

  4. Mao Tse-Tung, elementary school principal. At age 30, Mao was involved in communism... he was a young star of the Chinese Communist Party... but didn't realize it could be a career. (Probably didn't see communism as being very lucrative...?)

    Instead, he was working as the principal of an elementary school. Where, no doubt, hall passes were decadent. Four years later he started a communist group that eventually became the Red Army and put him in power.

  5. International woman of mystery.
    Julia Child, government spy. Absolutely the wrong career. At age 30, Child wasn't cooking... she was working for the U.S. government as a spy. She went on clandestine missions to China and Sri Lanka (which, at the time, was called Ceylon) to get intelligence documents to agents in the field. She didn't enter cooking school until age 36.

    How it took until now to make a movie about her life (it comes out in like a week, with Meryl Streep) is mind blowing. They made a movie about the life of MC Hammer. They made a sitcom out of the Geico cavemen. I mean... someone bought the rights to make a movie out of "Where's Waldo?" You're telling me Waldo's more interesting than female spy-turned-TV cooking superstar? It's "Alias" meets "Top Chef"! Just because Waldo traveled to a bunch of exotic places where he managed to mingle with lots of other people wearing deceptive red-and-white striped shirts doesn't make him movie-worthy.

  6. James Joyce, singing. By 30, Joyce was writing... just not getting published. So to make ends meet he reviewed books, taught and, weirdly, made a lot of money thanks to his gorgeous tenor singing voice. (He was also a raging alcoholic, which isn't financially lucrative until you become an author and can parlay those drunken antics into stories. Ask Hemingway. Or James Frey, sort of.)

    Joyce finally got his first book, "Dubliners", published at age 32, which launched his career as, arguably, one of the most successful authors of all time.

    So I've decided to co-opt his style and will write the next point on this list completely in the manner of James Joyce.

  7. Colonel Sanders, tons of blue collar jobs. When yes Harland Sanders was turning 30 yes he was still yes switching from one yes career yes to yes another yes: Steamboat pilot (yes!), insurance salesman (yes!), farmer (yes!), railroad fireman (yes!), gigolo (no!). He didn't yes start cooking chicken until he was 40 yes and yes, yes, yes didn't start franchising until, yes, age 65.

  8. Michael Jordan as a baseball player. Insert: Bill Wennington, his secret shame?
    Michael Jordan, baseball player At age 30, Michael Jordan was the biggest star in the world, had just led the Chicago Bulls to three straight NBA championships... and promptly quit to become a minor league baseball later.

    This remains one of the most suspicious moves any celebrity has made in our lifetimes. If this happened today, the Internet would actually blow up with people debating the real reason why Jordan quit. The NBA secretly suspended him for gambling but couldn't afford to admit he'd gambled on their games? Scottie Pippen took photos of him having gay sex with Bill Wennington and threatened to blackmail Jordan unless he stepped away? He killed a man? It's all equally plausible (especially the Wennington thing).

    Anyway, I included this on the list because it shows that even Michael Jordan was still searching for the right career at age 30.

  9. Rodney Dangerfield, aluminum siding salesman. He started doing stand-up at age 19... then gave up on it in his mid-20s.. He started working as an acrobatic diver (true... and wow, I never realized that was the influence for the Triple Lindy)... and then as an aluminum siding salesman. He didn't start getting back into comedy until he was 40.

  10. Harrison Ford, carpenter. When Ford was 30, he starred in "American Graffiti"... which was a huge hit. But he got paid a pittance for acting in it, decided he was never going to make it as an actor, and quit the business to get back into the more financially dependable world of construction.

    Four years later, he met up with George Lucas again (for those who don't know, Lucas directed "Graffiti") and Lucas cast him as Han Solo.

  11. Jesus, carpenter. At age 30, Jesus finally stopped doing carpentry and started performing miracles. See, Harrison Ford and Jesus have more in common than you'd think.

TakeCare abt mirror!!


Dearest Samantha,

I am very happy to inform you that I have fallen in love with you since Tuesday, the 20th of June 2009.

With reference to the meeting held between us on the 20th of June 2009 at 1500 hours, I would like to present myself as a prospective lover. Our love affair would be on probation for a period of no less than three months and depending on compatibility, would be made permanent.Of course, upon completion of probation, there will be continuous relationship training and relationship appraisal schemes leading up to promotion from lover to spouse. The expenses incurred for coffee and entertainment would initially be shared equally between us. Later, based on your performance, I might take up a larger share of the expenses. However I am broad-minded enough, to be taken care of, on your expense account.I request you to kindly respond within 30 days of receiving this letter, failing which, this offer would be canceled without further notice and I shall be considering someone else. I would be happy, if you could forward this letter to your sister, if you do not wish to take up this offer.

Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely, Max


Dear Max,

Please refer to your letter dated today. I am pleased to inform you that I hope to accept your proposal for romance.However, you should be informed that there are certain conditions of acceptance. Promotional prospects are to my satisfaction. However, please enlighten me as to your retirement benefits. Gratuity should be generous.I also need to be assured that there is sufficient security with regards to this commitment. If there is any chance at all of retrenchment or consequent disinterest on your part, then I should receive monetary compensation according to union standards.

Due to the nature of my position, I am sure you will agree that an expense account should be arranged for my access in light of the 'VIP'. I shall be entertaining. In addition, housing and transport allowances should be in order and nothing less than a Jaguar is in order.

Please also note that there should be no moonlighting restrictions placed on myself. If you are still interested in the relationship, please reply on an urgent basis as other prospective lovers have sent indications of interest.

Please also note that my sister is happily employed.

Yours perhaps, Samantha!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Cucumber Recipes

Cucumber Salad

3 large cucumbers, peeled, thinly sliced
1 cup white vinegar
3/4 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
dash ground cayenne or black pepper
dash dried parsley flakes
dash dried leaf basil
Combine all ingredients except cucumbers; heat until sugar melts. Pour warm mixture over cucumbers. Store covered in refrigerator.

Fried Cucumbers

4 cucumbers, peeled and thinly sliced
salt and pepper
2 eggs, well beaten
1 cup fine dry bread crumbs
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Season cucumbers with salt and pepper. Dip slices first in egg and then in bread crumbs. Fry in hot vegetable oil. Brown on both sides, drain, and serve hot.

Cucumbers with sour cream and dill

2 to 3 cucumbers, thinly sliced
1/3 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh chopped dill or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried dill
Arrange cucumber slices in a serving bowl, sprinkling layers with salt. Place a saucer or other weight on cucumbers to weigh down. Cover and let stand for several hours. Pour off cucumber juices. Combine sour cream, vinegar, pepper to taste, and chopped dill; add to cucumbers

Chicken Pasta Salad With Cucumber

1 cup uncooked macaroni
3/4 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon onion, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 cups cooked chicken, chopped
1 cup chopped cucumber
1 rib celery, chopped
Cook macaroni according to package directions. Combine mayonnaise, onion, salt and pepper in bowl; mix well.
Add warm macaroni, chicken, celery, and cucumber; mix gently. Chill, covered, for 2 hours or longer.