Glory be to God for creating Life,
He also created woman, who is
Mother, daughter, sister and wife
Blessed are the woman as he blessed them right,
Giving them the honour of giving birth and life
For this she undergoes pain filled with pleasure,
Memories of which she will always treasure.
When a girl is born, some curse the woman,
Such people can never attain the kingdom of heaven.
It is because of woman we are there,
Without them we would be nowhere.
Woman are after all God's greatest creation,
To whom we have to be greatful in every generation.
There is a woman behind every sucessful man,
Who gives him her support and
Strenght to make him stand.
Always remember that it is a
Woman who has given you life,
Respect her whether she is your
Mother, sister, daughter or wife.
kollattto poornimazzz, nice